MiaPuPe turns 11 today - You write us something nice and we will give one lucky person a rabbit :)
We have tried to celebrate our small milestones and to please and thank both ourselves and our incredibly nice customers and friends. Without you, we wouldn't be here, and without you, what we do wouldn't make sense either.
We would be very grateful if you could find a moment and write us something beautiful in the comment section below for our birthday. To celebrate the 11th birthday, we made a new cuddly bunny, which we raffle among all the entries.
11 is a beautiful and bright number that also conveys its power to the new year. The second half of February also marks the beginning of a new cycle of life in nature - the sun is already warming, the birds are singing more and more boldly, and the first spring flowers have poked their noses out of the ground. Of course, nature is always awake, aware and present - hopefully we can do it more and more as well :)
Thank you so much for being there!
Have a nice spring! :)
PS When writing a comment, please also write your e-mail address. This will not be publicly visible in the comment section, only we can see it and we can immediately write to you that you won!
In a travel to Tallinn about 7 years ago, I got a summer bag that I still use it almost everyday. It is beautifully made and with a very nice quality that after these many years it is lovely and useful. Thanks or the professional work. keep up and wish you luck
Palju palju õnne🧁
Jälle aasta mööda sai
Teeme sulle pika pai!
Ole 11-aastasena
ikka sama hea ja kena! :) Palju-palju-palju õnne sünnipäevaks!
Tipa-tapa aasta kõnnib,
kõnnib pikaks väiksed põnnid.
Palju õnne, mängulusti,
mingu kõik sul ikka hästi!
Õnnnnee !!! 🩷
Palju õnne sünnipäevaks!
Olete sama armsad kui teie meisterdatud kaisukad ja muud tegelased.
Jõudu ja jaksu teile ka järgmisteks aastateks.
- Ene F. 21.veebruar 2023