It's MiaPuPe's 10th birthday! Write us something nice and participate in the prize draw
10 years of happy customers, interesting challenges, good thoughts, ingenuity, experiments, successes and a few failures, and now we have reached a stage just like the character in the photo - a bit of a dork, but sincerely happy and satisfied with the fact that the underseat is not always the most ideal :)
We would be very grateful if you could find a moment and write us something nice in the comment section below for our birthday. We drew a completely happy and self-satisfied character in the same picture among all those who wrote. We are waiting for your kind words until the evening of Monday (21.02).
Good luck, joy and peace of mind to all of us!
PS When writing a comment, please also write your e-mail address. This will not be publicly visible in the comment section, only we can see it and we can immediately write to you that you won!
PPS A big, big thank you to everyone who wrote! Very nice reading :) The luck of the draw smiled on Eve this time!
Palju õnne MiaPuPe perele!
Tohutult armas ettevõtmine ja minu lastelastel on omad kallid kaisukad olemas ning loodetavasti tulevik toob veel juurde nii lapsi kui kaisukaid :) Loomulikult ei saa kiitmata jätta ka õnnitluskaarte. Suured tänud teile ja edu järgnevaks kümneks aastaks!
Palju palju õnne juubeli puhul ja palju fantaasiat edaspidiseks! Minu lapsel on teie tehtud tudujänes, mis ootab teda igal uinakul voodis.
Just nägin uudiskirjas vahvaid tiigrikutsusid, mis on nii armas kingiidee selleaasta beebidele. Kindlasti ühe tellin parima sõbranna beebile 🐯
Meie juurde on jõudnud kaks imearmast MiaPuPe roosat jänest, alates tüdrukute kahe kuuseks saamisest on ned meie lemmik kaisujänesed, kaasas kõigil auto ja käru sõitudel 🤗
Olen unelambaid tellinud 3 tk ja jäängi neid tellima katsikuteks. Mõnusad pehmed ja ilusad lastel kaissu võtmiseks🥰