Evergreen and cute dog boy Pontu :)
We are pleased to introduce Pontu, a modest but long-suffering dog boy with a heart of gold and incredibly good karma. The original Pontu is already more than 24 years old, and most likely everyone during that time secretly paved the way for the creation and development of MiaPuPe and contributed :).
I made Pontu for my son before he was born. So he's the very first toy I've made. When the son was already a little older, he kindly lent Pontu to his little sister, and so they both teased him :). For now, it is probably the only soft toy left from their childhood.
The photo shows the same seasoned Pontu as it looks today, and it must be said that it is quite well preserved. Especially considering that in the meantime, our cat loved to chase his tail when no one noticed.
In about half a year, this cute character will be 25 years old, and it seems like the right time to introduce Pontu to a wider audience :). The first Pontus have already found their new home and owner, and not all of them are children in terms of age ;). Like most dogs, Pontus appeals to people of all ages.
Pontu is made of soft cotton velvet and is filled with carefully selected pieces of soft knitwear. In this way, he is a little more plastic and pleasantly busy. At the same time, you should not be afraid that it is too heavy - it weighs about 240 grams and is 40 cm long (measured from the nose to the tip of the toe). A good-sized friend to take with you to kindergarten (why not to school and work too) and to snuggle up to sleep safely in the evening.
Pontu is a lovely gift for little ones as well as older children, and as always with MiaPuPe products, we encourage everyone to admit their childishness and without false shame to cuddle Pontu or any other soft cuddly when the desire arises.
You can see the parade pictures of the new Pontus and buy him here.
Here they are, the two of them: young, cute and daring, and a little battered, experienced, but still cute. My nubs :).
The creator of Pont